Traction #009: How Often Should You Email Your List?

August 16, 2023

Read time: 4 minutes. 

Today is part 5 of Email Marketing Secrets.

What to Know

You can email your list more often than you might think.

Most business owners shy away from email marketing because they don’t want to come across as pushy or "sales-y." But here’s what email marketing research tells us:

More emails = more sales. 

Of course, the exact number you should send depends on a couple of things: Your readers’ preferences and how helpful your emails are. If you only email your list when you want them to buy something from you, they may wear out faster. But if your email strategy includes a good mix of “give” and “ask,” they’ll likely be OK hearing from you more frequently.

As with most things marketing, testing is the best way to learn your specific audience’s preferences.

    What to Do

    Spend an hour this week refining your email strategy.

    • If you currently email your list “whenever you have time,” commit to being consistent, even if that means sending just quarterly updates.
    • Bump up your frequency: Quarterly to monthly, monthly to bi-monthly, bi-monthly to weekly. If you’re an e-commerce brand, try twice/week and see what happens. 
    • Don’t send emails just because you’re “supposed to.” Every email should have a purpose. And that purpose should be to serve your audience well. 
    • If you have the technology, allow your subscribers to determine how often they want to hear from you.
    • Make sure your unsubscribe link is easy to find and use. The quickest way to be reported as SPAM is to give your readers no other option but to report you.

    Email marketing is alive and well. I hope this series helps you get started using email marketing to grow your business.

    I want to hear from you!

    As I plan for future editions of Traction, I’d love to know what would be most helpful to you. Please complete this one-question survey.

    Master Your Marketing

    Marketing your business shouldn't be a mystery. 

    Master Your Marketing is an interactive, online course that takes the mystery of out marketing—so you can make money instead of wasting it.

    • Learn how to talk about your offer so your ideal customers pay attention.
    • Find out why your website isn’t working—and how to finally fix it. 
    • Know how to establish yourself as the go-to expert in your industry.
    • Discover the secret to turning prospects into paying customers.
      (It’s not TikTok.)

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    Coming Up Next

    July 25: Content Marketing 101: How to get more eyeballs on your marketing

    August 16: Content Marketing 101: How to create more content in less time

    August 22: Content Marketing 101: Using a content calendar to stay consistent 



    In this with you!

    Dr. James Barnes, PhD
    Associate Extension Professor & StoryBrand Certified Marketing Guide
    Mississippi State University


    For many business owners, marketing feels like flushing money down the drain. At Brick-to-Clicks, we provide free and low-cost marketing resources that help business owners grow their audience and sales.