A Live Online Marketing Workshop to Grow Your Small Business.

Create a digital marketing plan. Attract customers. Grow your business.

Only 10 spots available.


Master Your Marketing is perfect for:

  • B2B or B2C companies
  • Service- or product-based businesses
  • E-commerce or brick-and-mortar shops
  • Coaches and consultants
  • Nonprofits and personal brands
  • Niche industries: agribusiness, sports management, and tourism

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July 2024

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9:00 am - 6:30 pm CT

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Live on Zoom

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Less Than Most Agencies' Hourly Rate

Two hands pointing at a laptop screen

Marketing often feels like throwing spaghetti at a wall and hoping something - anything - sticks.

This live marketing workshop helps you end random acts of marketing by developing a digital marketing plan that you can repeat over and over to eliminate guessing and increase your revenue.

Here's what you get in the live workshop.

Man in silhouette typing on a keyboard

A Digital Marketing Plan to Grow Your Revenue

Access marketing expertise for less than most agencies' hourly rate. Develop a 4-part marketing plan that gets results so your business grows!

People around a table write on notepads

Live Coaching So You Know You're Doing It Right

Master Your Marketing is live and interactive, so you'll know you're getting it right. Dr. Barnes is with you every step of the way. 

Laptop sitting next to a coffee cup

Community Support to Help You After the Workshop

Receive encouragement and accountability through our private online community after the course modules. Get access to two additional workshops to help you implement what you learn. 


Why Master Your Marketing?

Everything you need to create a digital marketing plan to attract more customers.  

Features master your marketing live Workshop OTHER live workshops
Learn a proven marketing framework called Storybrand
Create a digital marketing plan to actually grow your sales
Affordable pricing (less than $400)
Get access to two additional online coaching sessions (valued at $1,000)
Receive a Certificate of Completion from Mississippi State University

Many businesses take a year (at least!) to do what you'll accomplish in one day.

After our day together, you'll walk away feeling confident you have everything you need to grow your business.

  • An easy way to talk about your business so people want to know more
  • Every word you need for a high-converting website homepage
  • A strategy to generate new leads—and the asset you need to make it happen
  • An email campaign to move people from prospects to customers
  • The secrets to social media engagement


get a digital marketing plan and grow your business.

You can walk away with a plan you can use right away.

Master Your Marketing's four-part digital marketing framework has helped thousands of businesses have simple, actionable, repeatable processes that have helped them grow. This marketing framework has made money for them, from mom-and-pop to international brands across every industry imaginable.

It can work for you, too. 

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Discover words that hook your ideal customer's attention so they buy.

9:00 - 11:00 am CT

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Make tangible website changes to transform visits into more revenue.

11:30 - 1:30 pm CT

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Develop content and an email strategy to get more leads and sales. 

2:00 - 4:00 pm CT

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Social Media 

Get noticed and convert more followers into paying customers.

4:30 - 6:30 CT 


"The course helped us develop a digital marketing plan to grow our business right now!" — Terri T., Mississippi.

And other five-star reviews...

  • Nicole E headshot

    5 stars

    It has transformed my business. I feel confident I'm going to crush my competition.

    Nicole E.


  • Paige M headshot

    5 stars

    You need a marketing plan, and this course helps you develop one to increase your sales or the sales of those you’re assisting.

    Paige M.


  • Natalie R headshot

    5 stars

    I highly recommend the course if you want to grow your sales!

    Natalie R.


  • David S headshot

    5 stars

    I would definitely recommend this class, no matter what type of business you have.

    David S.


Meet your professor.

As a business owner like you, I've experienced just how frustrating it is to waste time and money on marketing that doesn't move the dial. I've since cracked the code, and I'm telling you: It doesn't have to be that way.

As a Mississippi State University faculty member, I've helped thousands of businesses grow their audience and sales.

As the Bricks-to-Clicks® Extension Director, I created Master Your Marketing so you can stop feeling stuck and start getting traction with your marketing today.

In this with you,

About Bricks-To-Clicks®

Dr. James Barnes, Ph.D.
Associate Extension Professor, Mississippi State University
StoryBrand Certified Guide

It's time to get a digital marketing plan to grow your revenue.

  1. Enroll today. Get ready to develop a 4-part digital marketing plan to grow your revenue. 

  2. Attend the live workshop and develop a digital marketing plan that's long on results. Get done-with-you guidance, so you know you're doing it right, too!

    (Emphasis on done.)

  3. Be confident your digital marketing plan will finally increase your revenue.


Live Workshop Schedule

Module 1: Message

9 AM to 11:00 AM - All times in Central US
9:00 AM CT Introduction to the 7-Part Storybrand Framework
9:30 AM CT

How to Develop Your Brandscript and One-Liner

Exercise: Develop Your One-Liner and Brandscript

10:00 - 11:00 AM CT Exercise: Write Your One-Liner and Brandscript
Follow-Up Sessions At the end of each module, Dr. Barnes will announce available follow-up Zoom classroom times that you can use to finalize your one-liners and brandscripts. 

Module 2: Website

11:30 - 1:30 - All times in Central US
11:30 AM CT

Connecting Your Brandscript to Your Website

Example Websites

Wireframe Tools

12:00 - 1:00 PM CT

Exercise: Write Your Website Wireframe

1:00 - 1:30 PM CT Exercise: 5 Things Your Website Should Include Checklist
Follow-Up Sessions At the end of each module, Dr. Barnes will announce follow-up Zoom classroom times that you can use to finalize your website wireframes.

Module 3: Leads

 2:00 - 4:00 PM - All times in Central US
2:00 PM CT

How to Write Lead Generators and Sales/Nurture Email Series to Generate More Leads and Sales for Your Business

Exercise: Write Your Lead Generator Outline

3:00 PM CT

How to Write a Sales Letter to Close More Sales

Exercise: Write Your Email Sequence

3:30 - 4:00 PM CT Case Study Example
Follow-Up Sessions At the end of each module, Dr. Barnes will announce follow-up Zoom classroom times that you can use to finalize your lead generators and emails.

Module 4: Social Media

4:30 - 6:30 PM  - All times in Central US
4:30 PM CT

7 Things Your Social Media Plan Should Include 

Exercise: Write Your Social Media Plan

5:30 PM CT

Create a Content and Content Repurposing Plan

6:00 - 6:30 PM CT

Exercise: Write Your Content and Repurpose Plan

Follow-Up Sessions At the end of each module, Dr. Barnes will announce follow-up Zoom classroom times that you can use to finalize your social media plans.


My business isn't based in Mississippi. Can I still take this course?

Absolutely. Location doesn't matter for Master Your Marketing.

What if I miss a session?

All Master Your Marketing workshops are recorded; you'll have access to them for two weeks. But you'll get the most out of it by attending live!

Do I have to participate in the private online community?

No, but I encourage you to. Even if you don't want accountability or encouragement, asking for feedback from the group is so valuable!

How do I access the course?

The Master Your Marketing workshops happen live via Zoom. I'll send an email with all relevant links once you've enrolled.

Do I have access to the recordings?

Yes. You'll have access for two weeks. 

What do I need to get the most out of the course?

A device with internet access and a commitment to learning and doing the work. You've got this!

Can my business partner attend, too?

Only one enrollment is required if you're attending from the same location. Your entire team can join the course for one registration fee if the team is at the same location.

Is there a test?

No. However, by the end of the four sessions, you'll have a 5-part marketing plan to grow your business. You'll also be invited to join our private community so you get the support you need to implement your plan.

Will I receive a certificate of completion?

You will!

If Master Your Marketing is based on a couple of books, can't I just buy and read them?

You absolutely can. But you're much more likely to actually use what you learn when you enroll in Master Your Marketing. (And the only way for your new knowledge to make a difference is to implement it.)

Does StoryBrand know you're teaching this?

Yes, of course! I have an agreement with StoryBrand to teach their curriculum.

It's time to stop hoping you get your digital marketing right.

Enroll today and get everything you need to start growing your business.  


A graphic with "Master Your Marketing" heading and Dr. James Barnes still image within a MacBook Pro frame with play button overlayed

Join The Waitlist

Get notified instantly when registration opens for the next live workshop with Dr. Barnes.


Trying to Grow a Small Business Is Overwhelming

Join Dr. Barnes for this free one-hour digital marketing webinar to get your business back on track. 

Make Marketing Easier for Your Small Business


You'll learn:

 The learn a proven marketing strategy to boost your sales.

You'll learn the only 7 messages you need to connect with more customers.

You'll learn how to create a digital marketing plan that works!