Traction #010: How to Get More Eyeballs on Your Marketing
August 16, 2023
Read time: 4 minutes.
When it comes to marketing, too many businesses assume, “If we build it, they will come.” But if you want to attract attention online—both from people and from Google—marketing needs to be an ongoing priority.
Over the next three editions of Traction, I’ll offer some high-level tips to help you do just that—by leveraging the power of content marketing.
What to Know
Content marketing, creating helpful content and sharing it for free, can help you attract website visitors, generate leads, and increase sales.
“Helpful content” can come in many different forms: blog posts, ebooks, social media updates, videos, infographics, podcasts, and more.
Over time, content marketing builds your authority and supports your Search Engine Optimization (SEO) efforts. It also creates reciprocity: The more generous you are toward your audience, the more your audience will want to reciprocate by making a purchase from you.
If you’re like many small business owners, you may feel instantly overwhelmed by the idea of content marketing. Your to-do list is already a mile long, so how can you add even one more thing? Besides, even if you had the time to create content, what would it even be about?
I hear you! But it’s so much simpler than you might think.
What to DoInvest one hour putting together a content tree for your business. The truth is, trying to decide what content to create takes nearly as much time as actually creating it. Putting together a content tree erases the overthinking from the process.
Now, repeat the process for each of your categories, subcategories, and topics! Before you know it, you’ll have dozens and dozens of content ideas. I want to hear from you! As I plan for future editions of Traction, I’d love to know what would be most helpful to you. Please complete this one-question survey. |
Master Your MarketingAccelerate your sales with better marketing. Master Your Marketing is an interactive, online course that helps you create a 4-part marketing plan - so you make money instead of wasting it.
Ready to get a marketing plan that helps grow your business? I'd love it if you join me for the next Master Your Marketing online course. If you want to develop a marketing plan that works finally, this course is for you! I teach every session live so you'll get feedback as you develop your marketing plan. I hope to see you in the October class! Space is limited. |
Coming Up NextAugust 16: How to create more content in less time August 22: Using a content calendar to stay consistent |
In this with you!
Dr. James Barnes, PhD
Associate Extension Professor & StoryBrand Certified Marketing Guide
Mississippi State University
For many business owners, marketing feels like flushing money down the drain. At Brick-to-Clicks, we provide free and low-cost marketing resources that help business owners grow their audience and sales.